We Need You To Brighten Someone’s Day!
Indian River CARES, a new coalition of non-profit leaders, is collecting cards, paintings, handmade crafts or any kind of “room brighteners”. These will be delivered to seniors living in local facilities as a reminder that they are being thought of by their community in this time. Send a little encouragement and brighten someone’s day! We

Do You Think You Have Coronavirus (COVID 19)?
Start by calling Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital Call 772-226-4846 Hours of operation for appointments and drive-through testing are 9 am – 5 pm, 7 days a week. You will be advised what to do next following this appointment. If you have cast pain, severe shortness of breath, dizziness, a severe headache. or life-threatening problems,

United Way of Indian River County
United Way has established the COVID-19 Community Response Fund, a dedicated resource for working families affected by this crisis. UWIRC leaders recognize the potential for economic impact, particularly affecting hospitality and service industry workers, is high. The organizations that serve populations in need every day will find themselves under-resourced and facing growing demand. United Way

We All Benefit When We Respond to the Census
Your response to the 2020 Census can help shape your future and the future of your community. Counting everyone helps communities receive funding needed for health care, education, emergency services, and more. Over the next decade, lawmakers, business owners, and many others will use 2020 Census data to make critical decisions in our communities Help